Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 for Feminine Revitalization

I celebrated the end of 2009 with an early sleep. On the first morning of 2010 I called my mom and sister in Thailand. 6am in California is 9pm in Bangkok so, I had prepared myself accordingly.

During the Christmas I spent time with my partner's family in Canada. The news of the attempted plane bombing on the Christmas day infused our conversations. The question came up was what do the terrorists want? I am not the one who can cite figures and fractions with certainty but guided by my instinct I put in my two cents.

Terrorists as well as most nation leaders may or may not know what they want. The sure fact is they focus primarily on what they do not want. Why would you waste your time avoiding, destructing and eradicating what you don't want if you are focusing on what you want? What you want is always positive and life affirming. What you don't want is negative, fear based and culminates in violence and destruction.

Increased industrialization, economic growth and technological advancement are all wonderful. I am thankful to man's mental capacity and material advancement as well as physical convenience it has brought forth. The linear way of thinking and executing provides us with plentiful, adulterated materials -foods and otherwise as well as high tech, high cost wars, environmental degradation, cancer, obesity, heart diseases...

Ponder a little deeper and I realize that I am totally bought in to the man's idea of prosperity. Men are wonderful at providing foods and shelters and women are eager to nourish man's ideas from the comfort of a safe and abundant home. Hence, we are living largely in the paternal culture where God is our father and wars are our his-story.

I am not a feminist because I am not against men. I am feminine because I am for maternal revitalization. What our male leaders and terrorists have in common is the lack of integrated masculinity. The more violence the cultures the lesser respect given to women. The cultures where mothers, daughters, sisters have no voice is the culture with no root nor connection to natural instinct and nature.

Notice that there is no female leaders in materially powerful nations nor in cultures resourced to violence? The world full of wars and environmental disaster is not the world you want. But if you have forgotten what you are then you don't remember what you want. If you don't know what you want then you focus on what you don't want.

Women have lived in the paternal culture many lifetimes. We mistaken our feminine's worth by measuring up to man's ability. This led to further the lack of woman's femininity and the inability to focus on what is wanted. I call on all women to take the responsibility of being the source of love and light for ourselves and our men.

For the year 2010 I commit to awakening my feminine power by focusing on what I want. I know that the quality of my experience depends on it. Peace, love and prosperity are mine and me when I engage all my attention to them and not the lack of them.

Have a happy, wholly New Year.

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