Sunday, December 14, 2008

Minding your Moon

Yesterday Morning I drove to teach my 8am class. For the whole ride I got to enjoy the full, radiant moon smiling brightly to me. My spiritual life began when I first took notice of the deep connection I have with the moon. One tearful night several years back I looked up and there she was sending her divine light my way. I knew then that all would be well. I came to reflect on the reason why I feel so uplifted by the light of a full moon. For one practical reason, I have had seasonal depressions. It's a blessing that I now live in California where I can count on most days being sunny and warm. A bright full moon gives the same effect. It can drag me out of an emotional eclipse.

The moon energy has been associated with femininity, water, coolness, and yin as opposed to yang, masculinity and heat. It is so because there is the sun, its opposite. The moon is the mother energy. It encourages your body to retreat and the soul to reflect on its spiritual journey. The sun is the father energy. It gives life and encourages productivity of the earth. Ayurveda's Rituals as well as treatments take into account the cycle of the moon as it affects the condition of a person and effectiveness of a treatment. Some studies and research have shown that surgeries performed during the full moon were more successful with less mortality and faster recovery rate than the surgeries performed during the new moon. There were however, more accidents, crimes and disorder reported during the full moon. Hence, the word lunatic or lunacy. Also, there were more depressions and suicides (shown in females) during the new moon.

Ayurveda is holistic because it acknowledges that what is going on outside affects what is inside and vice versa. It is expansive in its recognition. It looks at the cosmos as well as human cells and everything else in between and beyond. Giving the influence of the moon you should begin to look at your health and your life according to the moon cycle. Women in particular are largely affected by the moon because of the physiological make ups (water volume, hormones and reproductive cycle) as well as karmic make ups. Emotional sensitivity and spiritual tendency are ruled by the moon whereas outward action and accomplishment are ruled by the sun. If you think your body is functioning independently of the moon perhaps an ocean tide can illustrate the effect. The rising and falling of an ocean tide generates largely by the moon. Our body is about 80% water. If the moon can pull the ocean tide what can it do to your body?

Ladies, begin to observe and record your menstrual cycle on a lunar calendar. According to the teaching of Ayurveda your menses should come around the new moon. This is the time to retreat, rest and reflect. During the full moon the energy of the sun is reflected strongly on the moon. It is the time to create and procreate. Notice how you feel when your reproductive cycle is in alignment with the moon cycle and when it is not. For both male and female, the full moon brings agitation, irritation and aggression. You want to direct the abundant energy toward wholesome and positive activities. It is the time to act as well as to watch your action closely. The next time you look up in the night sky you can appreciate the beauty and marvels at the role the moon plays in your daily life. The sooner you connect to your moon the more peace and prosperity there will be on earth.

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