Friday, February 20, 2009

Flowing with the Rhythm of Life

Perhaps the rhythm of the rain has inspired me. For the last week while we had non-stop rain, I have included drumming as part of my morning meditation. I have a tiny djembe that fits snugly in my lap. Its tones and rhythm created by the movement of my hands and fingers sooth my ears and mesmerize my soul.

The sound of rain is deeply ingrained in my consciousness. Growing up in Thailand I experienced three straight months of non-stop rain every year from July to September. I was born during the monsoon season. The rain was always welcomed after an extremely hot summer. The clear sky was always appreciated after the rain. You receive exactly just what you need at just the right place and the right time.

Yesterday the sky was cleared. I put a variety of baby vegetables in the big garden box inherited from the last homeowner. Digging through the dirt I saw many worms. They were dancing. I made my apology for having invaded their space and tried to shove the dirt gently. I have no training in gardening or drumming. Instead of reading books, googling about them or asking experts, I close my eyes and feel my way through the dirt and the drum. Not that this is the most efficient way but it is the way which life has presented to me.

Springtime is associated with the water element. Water provides nutrients and prana for all things to flourish and grow. This is the most supportive time to flow, co-create, pro-create, plant and grow. Is there something which prevents you from flowing and growing? Are you trying too hard? Life gives you the answer you need if you would allow yourself to see exactly how it is. Perhaps you can change your course and move downstream rather than upstream. Instead of fighting try dancing (or drumming, or gardening)! Flowing with the rhythm of life allows you to appreciate the ordinary gifts that you already have. You may have to close your eyes and go "inside" in order to feel the magic.

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