Friday, January 30, 2009

Treating Acne

A few of my yoga students have asked me what to do about their troubled skin. Before I learned about ayurveda I too thought that my pimples had nothing to do with my doing - what I ate or exposed my skin to. I blamed it on external factors like bacterial infection or God's punishment! It is true that if you are not taking good care of yourself bad luck easily happens and external invaders can force their way into your body because your immunity is weak. The external factors however, are not the root cause of your troubled skin.

Acne appears because of Ama or toxicity in your body due to poor diet, premenstrual hormone changes, emotional stress, exposure to chemicals (i.e. makeups and skincare) or too much sunlight. Ama is both physical and subtle. Inappropriate intake through your five senses causes physical toxicity. Inappropriate intake through your emotional mind causes subtle toxicity which affects your nervous system. To check the level of ama in your body observe your tongue first thing in the morning. The thicker coating on your tongue the more ama you have.

There are different types of acne. Vata (air & ether) causes small and dry pimples around the forehead and temples. Pitta (fire & water) causes red, inflamed, pus-filled acne around the nose and cheeks. Kapha (earth & water) causes deeper rooted white head around the chin and jaw. There can also be a combination of doshas. Pitta and Kapha together create cystic acne with deep rooted white head, pus-filled and inflamed pimples.

Firstly, work with your diet. Eat foods according to the imbalanced dosha. You can pick up an ayurveda book or contact an ayurvedic practitioner. Avoid dry foods if you have Vata acne. Avoid spicy, fermented, greasy foods if you have Pitta acne. Avoid rich, heavy foods if you have Kapha acne. Eat fresh, natural and organic foods as opposed to processed, canned and frozen foods. Eat mindfully (see my first blog - Cook Well; Eat Well) and eliminate regularly. Digestive disturbances such as gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea are sure signs that ama is present in your body. Clean your tongue with a tongue scraper in the morning and before bed regularly.

Secondly, use natural and healing remedies. Unless you are treating your acne at the root cause it will continue to reappear or worsen. Using strong medication such as anti biotic or chemical treatments may reduce the appearance of acne temporarily but their negative side effects can be harmful and long lasting. Instead, opt for natural, organic herbal remedies that contain neem, turmeric and sandalwood. You can find them at natural food stores. Try my dosha specific Ubvartan powder ( as a healing and cleansing paste for your skin.

Lastly, know and honor your unique self. When ama appears on your skin your ego wants to hide, cover, or get rid of it so, nobody can see your flaw. This can lead to bacterial infection and scars as well as low self confident. Instead, leave your skin alone. Let the ama express itself. It is part of you too. The more you fight or hide the more it needs to manifest. The less you worry about it the less it is your obstacle. Focus on your whole being and not just your face. Ultimately, the most harm you can do to yourself is to depress your soul. Choose activities that sooth your spirit and detox your body and mind like yoga and meditation. Cleanse from the inside out and let your beautiful self shine!

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