Thursday, April 30, 2009

Calling : Purifying the Heart and Mind with 5 Sense Therapy

What is the tune of your vibration?

Your sense of hearing is the finest sense of all the five senses. It connects to the ether or space element. Your sense of seeing connects to the fire element and allow you to digest what you see culminating into your outer and inner vision or intellectual and spiritual outlook. In a similar fashion, your sense of hearing needs space or stillness in order to express and receive the sound and connect you to your inner calling or your vibration.

I think one of the greatest contribution to today's human and societal malaise is the over-exposed sense of hearing. As I said this I am hearing a loud sound of a garbage pick-up truck in front of my house. It is disconcerting to the nervous system. But we endure this and feed our ears with even more jarring sounds by choice on a regular basis. In order to bring balance to your tune and hear your true calling you have to create appropriate tonal vibration for yourself. Here are some steps you can take.

1. Get quiet.
Your sense of hearing needs space. If you have been exposing yourself constantly with sounds, take a break. Take at least a day off from talking or listening to music, movies, speech, conversations and any other man-made sounds.

2. Listen to nature.
Give yourself a gift of sound healing and immerse yourself in the sound of nature. Listen to ocean waves, waterfall, bird singing, animal roaring, wind blowing leaves...

3. Listen to the music of the heart.
Music that contains no words connect to emotional vibration. Music that contains words connects to mental vibration. Words can connect you to your emotion but it goes through the mental process and trap you to the physical world. It crowds your mind and block your calling. In contrast, listening to classical music, traditional drumming or any other soothing, rhythmic instrumentals connects you directly to your heart and feeling. Scott Blossom, my yoga teacher said "Prana flows to life when you are not thinking." Let the right music feeds and nourish you.

4. Listen to the higher vibration.
The sound of Om, Bija Mantras (Sanskrit seed sounds) and Mantras are the pathway I use to tune up to the higher vibration. In the eastern spiritual tradition, a mantra is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that are considered capable of creating transformation. The equivalence in the western tradition is a prayer. Before and during a session of Ayurvedic body therapy I was taught to chant a certain mantra appropriate to the individual receiving the treatment. The chanting can be done out loud or silently repeated in the mind. I also practice Japa meditation by repeating the mantra mentally while using 108 Mala beads to keep the mind focus.

5. Express your true vibration.
What comes out of your mouth go back in your ears and affect your sense of hearing. The vibration you share through your own sound either uplift or lower your and collective vibration. Harmful words are said in reaction to your feeling of fear, anger and grief. They show up as a gossip, a lie, a polite avoidance or an unmeaningful chat. Take a moment to be with, process and accept your inner experience before communicating it to others. You suppress your inner experience and manipulate your outer experience when you try to impress others through your words positively or negatively. Say what your heart wants to say in order to express your true vibration.

6. Receive your calling.
You can either live your drama or your Dharma. Dharma means truth and it connects you to your life purpose or your calling. Drama is an elaborate mental work. It separates you from the truth. Do you like listening to other people's stories? Do you like telling your stories? Are you or perhaps many of your friends are drama queen/king? Drama makes your life complicated. In this environment it is impossible for you to notice and hear your inner voice. Create space in your mind through a quiet practice of yoga and meditation. Your life will become simple and spacious. The tune of your vibration will no longer attract drama beings into your life. Within this simplicity and spaciousness you will find your life purpose and true calling.

These steps are helpful in cultivating a balance vibrational tune for your life's song. It doesn't mean that you have to stop enjoying a little story telling or some rock music. But after practicing the steps you may find that you no longer are attracted to them. Your sense of hearing is balance when you can be with all kind of vibrational expression without grasping or averting. And no matter what tune you are hearing at the moment you are always listening to your inner song.

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