It's the Thanksgiving season. As a yoga teacher I have a pleasure of using the Thanksgiving theme to express my feelings about gratitude, giving and receiving with those who show up to my classes all the time and especially at this time of year.
"In giving we received." -Mother Theresa
Giving and Receiving are the two sides of the same coin. We can't get one without having the other. In every moment of our life we constantly give and receive through our breathing. We inhale to receive the breath. We exhale to give it up and away. This constant exchange carries our life and allows us to experience our connection to all things.
It is in our true nature to give and receive.
However, giving can turn into bribing and receiving can turn into guilt. When we give with an expectation and receive with a need to return a favor we go against our nature. Life and living become a task and our experience is one of lacking, half empty and devoid of contentment.
Let go of expectation for a better future and the guilt for the past shortcomings. Give this breath and this moment our full attention and share them with others wholeheartedly. They are the only real gift we can give to ourselves and each other. And as we give so do we receive.
Thanksgiving is the time to express our gratitude. We can only give thanks when we are content, joyful and grateful. So, go ahead and take a deep breath in then empty it all out. Allow your holiday season to carry and express the message of your breath, your moment and your life.