Recently, I picked out an old Feng Shui book to read. Last week I organized a spring recycle party. When life is flowing with the natural rhythm we automatically act in accordance to nature. Springtime is the time to clean out the old and create room for the new. In Feng Shui as well as in Ayurveda, creating room for the new requires that we detach ourselves from old things, old thoughts and old habits that no longer serve us.
Springtime is Kapha time. Kapha represents earth and water or a mix of the two which results in mud. Physically, it gives structure and strength as well as softness and stickiness. This is the time of year we tend to experience cold, flues and allergies and produce more mucous and phlem or Kapha. Psychologically, Kapha represents sticky emotions or attachment to possessions and relationships. Hence, springtime is the time we should be sloughing off excess Kapha physically and mentally.
A few weeks ago I decided to clean out my closet and had put aside old clothes to give away to Goodwill. Later, during a hike with friends, one told me that she made a vow not to buy new clothes this year and if she needed to she would buy secondhand. I thought of my big bag of old clothes waiting to be donated and offered her something that would fit her, specifically a pink sweater. Later, as I had more time to ponder on my friend’s vow, I was inspired to make the same commitment.
My spring recycle party stemmed from that inspiration. After a yoga session and a simple dinner we laid all of our old clothes out and went to work. We had a great time picking and trying out clothes, shoes and even exchanging DVDs. We complimented each other on the new/ old outfits. Everybody went home with a big shopping bag they came with but were then filled with new/ old contents. Linda picked out my pink sweater I had imagined to suite her. She wore it home as she was chanting “this is a good life” on her way out. I wore my newfound favorite top the next day. There was still plenty left to be donated.
The idea of detachment is not about getting rid of the olds so we can buy new stuffs that we like more. It is about changing or refreshing our way of thinking and shifting our perception. How can we think, talk and act in the way that is fresh, creative and flowing like the rhythm of nature, the water current and the moment that comes and goes? How can we do it in the way that would ultimately serve our life purpose as well as all beings and the world?
Making space for new ideas requires that we make space in our thoughts. I have learned to never say never because the moment after I say it the universe sends me her gift of transformation. Detachment from our own thoughts and ideas give us space to flow with the law of nature. This does not mean that we have no idea at all. Rather, we are letting the natural creative force to flow through us and we become more than the thinker and the doer. We become a conduit to something larger than our imagination, perception and beliefs.
Someone said that it is not possible to live in a blissful state all the time because the world is not an ideal place. I say that a blissful state can be experienced all the time when we are not attached to our idea of what the world is and should be. If we are looking to live in a blissful state by making the world an ideal place we will most likely experience pain and suffering to different degrees depending on our level of expectation. The world as we see it may appear permanent and lasting through our senses but it is constantly undergoing changes, destruction and renew. Coming into term with the impermanent is creating room for the new.
One of my yoga teachers often says that future pain can and should be avoided. Creating room for the new is an important part of skillful living and is a tool to avoid future pain. Kapha imbalance results in stagnation, accumulative waste and toxicity. The opposite of Kapha qualities are lightness and mobility. Recycling our old clothes, thoughts and emotions allows us to flow with the natural rhythm. It is good for the planet and our own psyche. When our body is flexible, supple and adaptable we are blessed with good health and we can enjoy life. Similarly a flexible and adaptable mind can enjoy the dynamic beauty of the world and cultivate the blissful state that can be experienced in our daily living.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Spring Allergies
Sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose…. sound familiar? Having suffered spring allergies for many seasons in my life I empathized with my fellow allergy sufferers. I understand that we would do anything to relieve the symptoms as well as get rid of them for good. You will be glad to know that there is actually a way to treat yourself holistically and successfully. Ayurveda is highly effective in treating autoimmune disorders such as spring allergies symptomatically and long term.
The first time I encountered seasonal allergies was when I moved from Bangkok, a barren city to the lush hill country of Chiangmai situated north of Thailand in my junior year at Chiangmai University. I suffered a severe sinus infection and was bed ridden for a week. I had a fever, terrible headaches and at the end lost about 5 lbs which was a lot for my 100 lbs frame. Since then I suffered spring allergies consistently despite my inconsistent localities. When I lived in New York City, I suffered allergies about six months out of the year. At other locations including Texas and Oklahoma it was more less around three months out of the year.
When I first moved to California in 2001 I continued to experience spring allergies a couple months out of the year. The first year I did not suffer from spring allergies was the year of 2004 after I had been studying and practicing Ayurveda for about six months and doing yoga daily for about one and a half year. I also did not experience spring allergies two years later. Needless to say, I was ecstatic and full of confident in my faith for yoga and Ayurveda. Yet, I am not quite as allergies free as I had hope for.
This year, spring allergies made its visit to me. Earlier in the winter, I traveled to Canada and came back with a serious cold. I was a malaise for about a month. Ayurveda teaches that in order to be well we must be highly aware of our activities and how our body responses in regards to those activities. Often times we would say that we catch a cold from someone or something. That can be true. It is also true that we create within ourselves a condition susceptible to catching a cold from someone or something. My susceptibility to allergies was a result of the cold I experienced. The cold was a result of the lengthy traveling and the harsh weather in Canada. Why I became weak from the traveling and the cold weather condition had to do with my constitutional tendencies as well as the inherent imbalances I have accumulated throughout my life.
The concept of building Ojas or building our immunity is enormously crucial in claiming our health. Our habit of blaming on anything from a person coughing next to us to dirty air and eating wrong foods may give us comfort but it does not lead to a long-term solution. Ojas is our immunity or the essence that gives the bodily tissues and mind strength and endurance. In order to build health we must build Ojas or we run the risk of perpetually being a victim of anything slightly haphazard to our immune system. My story above shows that building Ojas is a dynamic process. Hence, the most important requirement for building Ojas is, awareness. We can build our Ojas by becoming conscious of our activity level and our body response. Harmonious activities result in strong Ojas.
Picture an immune system as a troop. An allergy occurs when the troop mistaken an allergen to be harmful. To protect the body, the troop sends out soldiers called IgE antibodies to attack the specific allergen. These soldiers then stay on to guard the body at the surface of tissues in the mast cells and blood basophils found throughout the body. When the soldiers detect the same substance, they alert the mast cells and blood basophils to release chemicals such as histamines, resulting in the symptoms of an allergic reaction (vasodilation, smooth muscle spasm, swelling, glandular hypersecretions). Upon re-exposure to the substance the troop can initiate a faster and more aggressive attack which leads to a more intense allergic reaction.
For those who are predisposed to allergic reactions such as myself, the exposition to allergic substances must be minimized. Otherwise, we become a victim of our own troop. This is the only time of year I suggest people walk on a treadmill or better yet, stick to an indoor yoga class instead of hiking in a park. Exposure to allergic substances keeps the immunity weak which results in weaken digestive strength. A weaken digestion builds up toxicity in our body and reduces our immune strength even more. This wicked cycle continues on as we become more firmly established in an allergic state. Ojas is needed in order to substantiate our body tissues and prevent allergic reaction. To break the cycle, build your Ojas and say good-bye to your spring allergies, here are what you need to do.
1. Learn what you should eat in order to rekindle your Agni and strengthen your digestive fire. Read a book on Ayurveda and find out your constitution and your imbalances then, eat your food according to the findings. The use of digestive spices is vital in aiding your digestion. If available to you, visit an Ayurvedic practitioner who can help guide you through the whole process including the rest of what you need to do on this list and more.
2. Learn to create a healthy daily routine that does not drain your energy and keep your emotion stable. Somehow we are in a denial that our daily activities have consequences to our mood nor do we understand that our mood leads us to act in certain ways. Weak body equals weak mind and vice versa. For example, if you stay up past midnight watching a violent movie, drinking beers and eating potato chips, how do you think you would feel the next morning? And what happens when you keep doing it nights after nights? Right, you get the picture. This is a crude example. The same logic can be applied to any activity that is not harmonious and is done on a regular basis. Creating a balance routine is a requirement for building Ojas.
3. Exercise on a regular basis. There should be no doubt to positive effects of a regular exercise. Exercise keeps us fit physically and mentally. The heat generated during an exercise invigorates blood and circulation, build digestion and over time strengthen body tissues. Yoga Asana has many added benefits beside building cardiovascular strength. It also calms and tones the nervous system and in turn relieves allergic reaction.
4. Practice Neti then oil inside your nostrils with sesame oil or ghee afterward. Using warm water mixed with a little salt in a Neti pot, let the solution runs through and cleanse your nasal passages. Oiling inside your nostrils lubricates the nasal walls and prevents allergic reaction. You may also drop 2-3 drops of Nasya oil (medicated oil) into your nostrils to prevent or alleviate sinus allergies.
5. Again, minimize your exposure to allergic substances. For pollens, weeds, grass, trees, reduce outside activities. You may be allergic to your dog or cat and may have to do some soul searching in order to find a solution. Continually exposing yourself to allergic substances of any kind keep your Ojas low and progressively weaken your immunity.
6. Take herbs to strengthen Agni and relieve allergies. A good herb to take on a regular basis is Triphala for digestion and elimination. Good elimination is highly important to one suffering from allergies since it keeps the toxic accumulation in check. You can find Dosha specific herbal formulas for allergies in the book by Dr. Vasant Lad, The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. An Ayurvedic practitioner can also prescribe you a formula designed specifically to your Dosha or imbalance.
7. Practice Pranayama or breathing exercises. Bhastrika and Kapalabati or breath of fire are best for spring allergies. Ujaiya breath done alone or during Yoga Asana helps strengthen your immunity and is beneficial for all types of allergies.
8. Meditate regularly. Allergic reaction is a stressful state. When there is stress in the mind there is stress in the body and vice versa. Hence, calming the mind through meditation can improve allergy conditions, strengthen the immunity as well as build Ojas.
Three days ago after spending a few hours outside during a sunny, breezy, perfect spring morning, I later suffered the spring allergy symptoms. I thought I would never see a perfect spring day again. Today, I am sitting inside looking through a glass window seeing yet another perfect spring morning with zero side effect of the spring allergies. I thank the universe for providing such magnificent gift of springtime. I also thank my Ayurveda and yoga practices for making it possible for me to enjoy that gift. Perhaps, I will always have to be inside to marvel at the beauty of spring. But having suffered spring allergies six months out of the year (with more time spending indoor) in my previous life, I am more than hopeful that the spring allergies will not be visiting me for long.
The first time I encountered seasonal allergies was when I moved from Bangkok, a barren city to the lush hill country of Chiangmai situated north of Thailand in my junior year at Chiangmai University. I suffered a severe sinus infection and was bed ridden for a week. I had a fever, terrible headaches and at the end lost about 5 lbs which was a lot for my 100 lbs frame. Since then I suffered spring allergies consistently despite my inconsistent localities. When I lived in New York City, I suffered allergies about six months out of the year. At other locations including Texas and Oklahoma it was more less around three months out of the year.
When I first moved to California in 2001 I continued to experience spring allergies a couple months out of the year. The first year I did not suffer from spring allergies was the year of 2004 after I had been studying and practicing Ayurveda for about six months and doing yoga daily for about one and a half year. I also did not experience spring allergies two years later. Needless to say, I was ecstatic and full of confident in my faith for yoga and Ayurveda. Yet, I am not quite as allergies free as I had hope for.
This year, spring allergies made its visit to me. Earlier in the winter, I traveled to Canada and came back with a serious cold. I was a malaise for about a month. Ayurveda teaches that in order to be well we must be highly aware of our activities and how our body responses in regards to those activities. Often times we would say that we catch a cold from someone or something. That can be true. It is also true that we create within ourselves a condition susceptible to catching a cold from someone or something. My susceptibility to allergies was a result of the cold I experienced. The cold was a result of the lengthy traveling and the harsh weather in Canada. Why I became weak from the traveling and the cold weather condition had to do with my constitutional tendencies as well as the inherent imbalances I have accumulated throughout my life.
The concept of building Ojas or building our immunity is enormously crucial in claiming our health. Our habit of blaming on anything from a person coughing next to us to dirty air and eating wrong foods may give us comfort but it does not lead to a long-term solution. Ojas is our immunity or the essence that gives the bodily tissues and mind strength and endurance. In order to build health we must build Ojas or we run the risk of perpetually being a victim of anything slightly haphazard to our immune system. My story above shows that building Ojas is a dynamic process. Hence, the most important requirement for building Ojas is, awareness. We can build our Ojas by becoming conscious of our activity level and our body response. Harmonious activities result in strong Ojas.
Picture an immune system as a troop. An allergy occurs when the troop mistaken an allergen to be harmful. To protect the body, the troop sends out soldiers called IgE antibodies to attack the specific allergen. These soldiers then stay on to guard the body at the surface of tissues in the mast cells and blood basophils found throughout the body. When the soldiers detect the same substance, they alert the mast cells and blood basophils to release chemicals such as histamines, resulting in the symptoms of an allergic reaction (vasodilation, smooth muscle spasm, swelling, glandular hypersecretions). Upon re-exposure to the substance the troop can initiate a faster and more aggressive attack which leads to a more intense allergic reaction.
For those who are predisposed to allergic reactions such as myself, the exposition to allergic substances must be minimized. Otherwise, we become a victim of our own troop. This is the only time of year I suggest people walk on a treadmill or better yet, stick to an indoor yoga class instead of hiking in a park. Exposure to allergic substances keeps the immunity weak which results in weaken digestive strength. A weaken digestion builds up toxicity in our body and reduces our immune strength even more. This wicked cycle continues on as we become more firmly established in an allergic state. Ojas is needed in order to substantiate our body tissues and prevent allergic reaction. To break the cycle, build your Ojas and say good-bye to your spring allergies, here are what you need to do.
1. Learn what you should eat in order to rekindle your Agni and strengthen your digestive fire. Read a book on Ayurveda and find out your constitution and your imbalances then, eat your food according to the findings. The use of digestive spices is vital in aiding your digestion. If available to you, visit an Ayurvedic practitioner who can help guide you through the whole process including the rest of what you need to do on this list and more.
2. Learn to create a healthy daily routine that does not drain your energy and keep your emotion stable. Somehow we are in a denial that our daily activities have consequences to our mood nor do we understand that our mood leads us to act in certain ways. Weak body equals weak mind and vice versa. For example, if you stay up past midnight watching a violent movie, drinking beers and eating potato chips, how do you think you would feel the next morning? And what happens when you keep doing it nights after nights? Right, you get the picture. This is a crude example. The same logic can be applied to any activity that is not harmonious and is done on a regular basis. Creating a balance routine is a requirement for building Ojas.
3. Exercise on a regular basis. There should be no doubt to positive effects of a regular exercise. Exercise keeps us fit physically and mentally. The heat generated during an exercise invigorates blood and circulation, build digestion and over time strengthen body tissues. Yoga Asana has many added benefits beside building cardiovascular strength. It also calms and tones the nervous system and in turn relieves allergic reaction.
4. Practice Neti then oil inside your nostrils with sesame oil or ghee afterward. Using warm water mixed with a little salt in a Neti pot, let the solution runs through and cleanse your nasal passages. Oiling inside your nostrils lubricates the nasal walls and prevents allergic reaction. You may also drop 2-3 drops of Nasya oil (medicated oil) into your nostrils to prevent or alleviate sinus allergies.
5. Again, minimize your exposure to allergic substances. For pollens, weeds, grass, trees, reduce outside activities. You may be allergic to your dog or cat and may have to do some soul searching in order to find a solution. Continually exposing yourself to allergic substances of any kind keep your Ojas low and progressively weaken your immunity.
6. Take herbs to strengthen Agni and relieve allergies. A good herb to take on a regular basis is Triphala for digestion and elimination. Good elimination is highly important to one suffering from allergies since it keeps the toxic accumulation in check. You can find Dosha specific herbal formulas for allergies in the book by Dr. Vasant Lad, The Complete Book of Ayurvedic Home Remedies. An Ayurvedic practitioner can also prescribe you a formula designed specifically to your Dosha or imbalance.
7. Practice Pranayama or breathing exercises. Bhastrika and Kapalabati or breath of fire are best for spring allergies. Ujaiya breath done alone or during Yoga Asana helps strengthen your immunity and is beneficial for all types of allergies.
8. Meditate regularly. Allergic reaction is a stressful state. When there is stress in the mind there is stress in the body and vice versa. Hence, calming the mind through meditation can improve allergy conditions, strengthen the immunity as well as build Ojas.
Three days ago after spending a few hours outside during a sunny, breezy, perfect spring morning, I later suffered the spring allergy symptoms. I thought I would never see a perfect spring day again. Today, I am sitting inside looking through a glass window seeing yet another perfect spring morning with zero side effect of the spring allergies. I thank the universe for providing such magnificent gift of springtime. I also thank my Ayurveda and yoga practices for making it possible for me to enjoy that gift. Perhaps, I will always have to be inside to marvel at the beauty of spring. But having suffered spring allergies six months out of the year (with more time spending indoor) in my previous life, I am more than hopeful that the spring allergies will not be visiting me for long.
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